How to make mason jar salad
All you need is a jar, some basic ingredients and a salad dressing. It’s also an easy way to transport a delicious vegetable rich meal. Once you get some experience, you’ll never want to leave home without it.
The size of the jar is up to you. You choose it depending on how much you want to eat. But make sure that the mouth is wide, which makes it easier to fill up and dump out your salad. Also it’s preferred to use a glass jar and not a plastic container, because it will keep your ingredients fresh for a longer period, and last last for days stored in the fridge.
The secret to the perfect mason jar salad is the order you put the ingredients in. Always remember, dry on top and wet on the bottom. This will ensure that your ingredients never get wet or soggy, and the salad never gets underdressed. There is no rule with the amount of ingredients, but choosing a smart combo of your favorite ingredients is essential. You want to add all kinds of textures and flavors.
Guide to layering a mason jar salad
- The first layer will always be the dressing. This can be homemade or a bottle one, depending on you preference.
- Next you add the vegetables that will act like a shield between the dressing and the lettuce or other ingredients that should stay dry.
- Then you add the beans, grains or pasta. Get creative with it.
- The next layer will hold the cheese, eggs and meat.
- In the last layer you will want to put your leafy greens, seeds or nuts. You don’t want to expose these to the dressing to soon.
After filling the mason jar and closing it tight you will have a tasty layered salad ready to go. You can prepare this fast and easy on a weekend afternoon, store it in the fridge and have a healthy ‘to go’ lunch for every day of the week. Just shake it up a little, empty the content into a salad bowl or a plate and enjoy your meal.
Watch this video on 4 mason jar salad recipes
There are probably hundreds of mason jar salad ideas and recipes floating around the internet, but we selected a few for start:
Chickpea, Farro and Greens Salad
Cajun Shrimp Jar
Rainbow Protein-Packed Salad
Chicken And Spinach Salad Jars
Also check out these mason jar salad Pinterest boards:
Mason Jar Salads Boards
Mason Jar Salads
Mason Jar Recipes
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Salad Hands That Make Tossing And Serving Fun